Our Structure

The Australian Preppers Survival League has a rank structure for all survivalist members which is replicated and inspired from the military, but methodically adapted to specifically suit the requirements for leadership in a crisis. Any member is able to achieve higher ranking depending on their commitment and level of involvement. Positions are many and allocated according to our Geographic Area Structure.

Our members wear a uniform, which is part of our leadership training. The uniform helps to develop self-discipline, personal responsibility, and self respect. When the uniform is worn, it not only represents themself, but the entire organisation in the view of the general public.

Our ranks are divided into two categories:

Main Ranks consist of Associates, Recruits, Cadets, Non-Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers. Cadets are our youth program and overall this involves hands on local and dispersed crisis assistance, planning and practice. Minimal administrative functions are required and forms the bulk of our membership.

Commissioned Officers who form the committee administration management of the league. This involves administration skills, but also involves different levels and areas of crisis assistance, most with expert skill sets.

Promotional Opportunities for all

There are ample opportunities for promotion. How far you go, depends on how committed you are, responsibility you're willing to take on and vacancies. You can simply lead your family or step up further to lead a neighbourhood and be in charge by helping new members and draw up plans.  If your first in your area to step up, your immediately offered the ability to be recognised with a 'lead in' promotion.

Challenge yourself to become a leader of your family. Or step up further by becoming an Officer in charge of a neighbourhood, a community, a district, a municipality, or state operations!

To be eligible, you must have demonstrated good conduct, led by example and be dedicated to learning and applying your prepping and survival skills whilst building your local family, friendships or memberships. We aim to make it as easy as possible, by providing the tools, knowledge base, and mentoring.

Some especially skilled persons are offered the opportunity to be recognised into senior roles. This is based on their qualifications and importance of their skill set. For example, those with certain types of medical experience are offered commissions, since they have skills which are in demand in a crisis.

Stepping up to be an Officer is a privileged position. You'll need to be present in online or 'in person meetings' as well as being present at the Annual General Meeting. There are some great privileges in officer positions, such as being able to sit in on state or national command meetings and contribute to the running and expansion of the league, to ensure more of us survive a crisis!